Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

ms. termanley

all i remember are bad jokes, rowdy kids, and turkies (sp?)

i'm not sure i want to think about it anymore

i am a hipster

tiff you are awesome. your previous post has inspired me to do a post of my own. i know that very few people will read this, but as long as you are one of them i guess i'll do this :)

my school is great. i have made tons of new friends as well as a few enemies...oh my i just thought of the thinger from the social network film - something about "you dont get to 100 million friends without making a few enemies"...thing is i haven't quite made 100 million friends yet but you know i'm working on it :P people at my school like to call me a try-hard...i am both flattered and embarassed.

i am glad to see that tiff's life is great as well. i mean, once i leave someone's life, they tend to enjoy life a LOT less. ;)

i too have become maturer and awesomer. i'm sure you would love me if you knew me.

i have some things i need to plug: (this wont make any sense unless you are me or you talk to me a lot. it might make sense if you're a stalker, but i've covered my tracks pretty well)
[removed as of May 1, 2013]

also asimov is an excellent writer. so is koushun takami.

nikita is the greatest TV show I have ever seen. it better be renewed for another season. the hunger games is the most overhyped book i have ever read. harry potter is, well...harry potter.

yeah thats about it i guess :) will probably be posting regularly now that i know for sure no one's reading this :3

One More Thing

I forgot to mention it but...

Mr. Manley retired. ;^;

He was in rehab sometime last year, I'm guessing for physical injury or something. Not even the teachers know; only the new principal knows.

All they know is that he started looking a bit sick, and then was hospitalized, went to rehab, and then retired.

We'll never see him again...oh, the depression.

But maybe, he did get that note Kathy and I wrote for him when we visited Thorn Lodge last year. After all, the principal did promise to give it to him next time she visited him at the hospital.

- crossing my fingers -

Nothing Much

High school! High school! High school!

It's kind of exciting, really. The first year of high school is less than 2 months away from over. Wow. How old is this blog now? Almost 5 years?

Hm...have I been productive this year? Worked as hard as I could? Tried my best in everything?

Probably not. Most likely not. I've developed a habit of procrastination...ugh.

Anyway, I just remembered blogs still existed, and so, since everyone's forgotten of their existence, I'll just use the site to write occasional updates that I can look back at.

Woodlands is cool. I love it actually. I love how asians dominate the school population, I love the music room, and I love the people. High school is way more fun than middle school or elementary school was.

A lot's changed between last year and now. I've grown up a lot and matured, become more social, make a bigger effort to be friendly, and I guess I kind of care about my looks a little bit more. But hey, that's life. Things that didn't matter before suddenly constantly occupy your thoughts.

Other things? isn't my favourite colour anymore (lolz), piano's become a serious commitment rather than just a dedication, I started saying 'crap' and occasionally other...words..., and I stopped with the pigtails.


Grade 9 is/was the bomb. It's definitely been my favourite school year so far.

New friends = <3
Old friends....Kathyyyyyy = <333333

Miss you so much. D: WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MOVE?! But hey, you're happy so whatever, have fun with your stalking. ;D

Turkey Kids. (Y)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

i'll try to hold back

but it isn't working too well. if you don't know what i'm talking about, i'm trying to avoid talking about something i'm currently in love with. okay perhaps love is an understatement, but i can't think of a better word right now. either way i love them and i am obsessed with them. i suppose that's all i'll say, tiffie probably knows what i'm talking about XD either way i love them A LOT. and my love for them is only increasing...shoot, even though i'm not telling you what i'm talking about in order to talk less about them, i'm only talking more about them. okay i'll shut up now.

i noticed that tiffie wrote a post a while ago, which i was going to respond to but i forgot but now i'm replying, so its all good. and i shall include a quote from a person i love very much.

"It bothers me that no one has the patience to deal with someone who is just sad."

perhaps next time i post i'll include another quote. but maybe not by someone else, but by me. i don't want this to become some sort of tumblr where you just post other people's content and not your own.

Friday, July 9, 2010


Man, I was immature. Man, it's been a few years. Man, noone even checks these blogs anymore. Man, i think i'm being sexist...

Woman, it's...xD Lol that just doesn't work out.

Turkey kids are splitting up- it's been 4 years. ;; Will miss you lots Kathy, if you ever check this blog again.